Organic Facts about Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil

What if I tell you with other magic benefits, you can also use Lavender oil in cooking? Yes, folks! That’s true culinary lavender can be easily incorporated into your cooking expertise. It gives your food a sweet floral flavor with a tad bit of citrus and lemon zest notes. So if you want to flip those Chicago burgers on the grill you can fire it up by adding not too much but a little lavender oil. Lavender Oil is best for desserts like scones and other dishes that are savory like baked salmon.

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By 2011 the biggest producers of Lavender was Bulgaria.  Lavender essential oil is obtained from the distillation of the flower spikes of various species of lavender. There are quite a few lavender oil uses and benefits. Let’s have a look at some of the uses of lavender essential oil.

Uses of Lavender essential oil

It is the most versatile of almost all essential oils. It has a pretty relaxing effect on the body. Therapeutic –grade lavender has been profoundly regarded for rejuvenating skin.  It is used in cleansing of cuts, skin irritation, and bruises. Lavender oil has a calming fragrance that heals the body both physically and emotionally.


How can it cast a calming effect on the brain and body? I thought so too. You need to massage 2-3 drops of lavender oil in your cupped palms. Using the inhalation method, draw the scent to your amygdala gland, (which is the emotional warehouse) of your brain to soothe and calm the mind. This gives emotional and physical satisfaction.

Bee sting/ Insect bite

Besides having other uses it helps heal swelling as well. Apply a few drops of lavender oil to an insect bite or bee sting; this will stop itching immediately.


In the scorching heat of June and July, people often complain about nosebleeds. I know this because I have experienced the same thing and trust me lavender oil works like magic! Wrap a tissue around a small chip of ice and apply a drop or two of lavender oil on it. Hold the tissue under the middle of your top lip and inhale the oil; this will stop the bleeding.

Chapped or sunburned lips

Rubbing lavender oil on chapped or sunburned lips hydrates your lips.

Flavor Booster

Consider this as a bonus! Who knew lavender oil can actually enhance the flavor of your favorite recipes. Add a few drops of it to your tea, water, brownies, cookies, and even salad dressings.

Diabetes Treatment

Studies have shown that lavender essential oil treatment protects the body from the symptoms of diabetes.  It maintains blood glucose levels, prevents the body from metabolic disorders, and liver and kidney dysfunction.

Improves Mood and supports brain

In addition to the groundbreaking diabetes research, lavender oil uses never ceases to amaze most of us. It has been used to treat neurological issues like stress, migraines, depression, and anxiety.

Skin benefits

Due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics, lavender oil when mixed with aloe or coconut oil has thorough benefits on your skin. Mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with aloe vera to heal sunburns and cure dry skin. It prevents allergic reactions as well.

Age spots

Want to reduce age spots?  Lavender oil has got that covered. Mix it with frankincense essential oil and gently apply it on your skin in the morning, and before bed. The results are just surprising!

Furthermore, lavender essential oil might cause reaction to sensitive skin types. If you experience any allergic reaction consult your dermatologist.

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